Saturday, April 23, 2011

.. Are You Suffering from an Orange Over-dose?

Too many riders do too many too-hard rides above their threshold (Ridewiser Orange) intensity Heart-Rate Zone (E4 90%+ exertion level, just near red-lining).

To over-dose on Orange Zone riding early in the season will guarantee you don’t see any lasting form beyond the initial blast of knee-jerk which arises from the addictive power riding habit. ‘Orange intensity’ over-dose is characterised by a 1-month surge in good form early-season which is then markedly followed by a solid 3-month pit of poor racing form or sore legs. Do your easy rides and do them easy! 

To avoid ‘form slump’, aim to maintain a mixture of endurance distance in the week, every week (2hrs+ flat rides) and steady-paced climbing (the Mt Dandenong hills are perfect!). You must learn to ride solidly, but below the 'rivet level' as you build fitness up in the 2nd and 3rd month of a 6-month season.

The most common problem I see through Ridewiser cycling fitness consultations is an overly high mix of fast rides in the week such as the better known 6am NRR Bunch Rides, Hell Ride, Race Days, Ergo Training, etc - these are all RED-LINING rides for most riders that do them. For lack of time and boredom reasons, the steady lower-speed base maintenance work is neglected. Most cyclists' easy rides are too hard, and their hard rides too easy.

The trick then, is how to CREATE that critical endurance volume needed in the week.
Ahh, now THAT is Ridewiser.

Rob Crowe OAM

Olympian Motivator Speaker

Thumbs Under the Bars for Everyone!

Another couple of good bike riders hit the deck this week alone (Nov, 08), and alone by themselves! because they hit a bump (cats-eye?) and went arse-over-tit to qualify for this summer’s Bitumen-Biters Championships - and they should never have hit the bump!

It is a critical lesson from Page 1 of the 'How-To-Ride-You-Bike-Manual’ that you should always keep both thumbs tucked under or around the handlebars for those unexpected moments when skills don’t count and you need the safety back-up, just like air-bags.

Remember this > the guys in the magazines do it all day long, don’t have to pay if they stack their bikes & still do things wrong just like the other humans, from time to time. Bad habits die hard, but 'Bitumen Biters' hit the ground harder when they free-fall from 1.5metres straight down.

Rob Crowe OAM
Olympian Motivator Speaker